Digital Transformation

What Digital Transformation Is

The term Digital Transformation refers to the use of digital technologies to solve problems, reducing dependency on user-owned equipment and increasing dependency on cloud-based solutions.

This concept requires a systemic approach to evaluate existing processes to find a more efficient way of achieving greater results and then using the appropriate technology to implement and streamline those processes so the final result yields greater financial and operational efficiencies to an organization.

How Does it Work?

To illustrate this concept, let’s look at how we use an electronic board solution to keep track of our projects and tasks: Trello. But before, some context about the way we work around here: we use agile principles to manage our internal affairs and most projects with our customers and external stakeholders. Throughout our meetings and brainstorming sessions, we rely on paper boards and post-it notes to capture ideas, draft user stories, and estimate the length of a task or a project. Trello then gives us a simple way to compile and track our to-dos, milestones, tasks, and requirements to accomplish our goals. Simple agile principles that we live and die for!

Now bring digital transformation into the picture. Up until recently, we used to take pictures of all of our post-it notes to later input that information on Trello. Sometimes, one of us would stay in the room until he or she finishes loading all the information online. Then, things changed when 3M and Atlassian teamed together to integrate the Post-it® App with Trello. Now, when you take a picture of a sticky note with the App, you can import it into Trello boards directly without the need to transcribe or import dozens of pictures individually. This simple digital change, called a transformation, has saved us hours (literally!) of clerical work that we can now spend on our own projects and tasks, and bringing more value to our customers.

Customer-Centric Solutions

As you can see from our own experience, a digital transformation does not need to be overly complicated. It requires looking at a problem under a different light and then choosing the right digital tools to provide the user with a better experience and tangible benefits. The processes and benefits illustrated in the Trello example are not different from the countless solutions we have provided to our customers throughout the last decades. From rethinking the way field operators inspect pipelines and manholes with our SITAS solution, to streamlining the interaction between patients and doctors with our BioEthx platform when ethical conflicts arise, to the way USDA captures field inspections that allow them to place the USDA mark of inspection on the meat and products you buy at the grocery store, we continue to apply the same principles that have transformed problems on a global scale.

At AQUAS, we continue to push the envelope when it comes to providing innovative solutions that bring value to our customers in the public and private sectors. We would love to hear from you regarding your experiences in digital transformation, the current challenges that you are facing, or discussing how we can help make things better in your organization.

Partner With AQUAS

Contact us to find out how AQUAS can present a personalized solution to support your digital transformation and strategic plans.