Ream Lazaro
Transportation Safety Consultant
Ream has over 12 years of experience in managing safety and training at three large transit agencies. He has spent the last 28 years as a leadership, safety, and security consultant and trainer. During that time, he was an independent consultant, a partner in Lazaro & Noel, LLC, and a contractor for Boyd Caton Group, Inc., supporting the Federal Transit Administration’s Bus Safety and Security Program and other projects.
Ream’s expertise is in the following areas:
Agency Safety Plans
Developed strategies to assist transit agencies in creating Agency Safety Plans that are compliant with 49 CFR Part 673 (PTASP Rule). Lazaro’s qualifications include his four years of experience supporting FTA’s development of Agency Safety Plan guidance materials and training programs.
Safety Management Systems
Developed strategies to assist transit agencies or contractors in performing an SMS readiness assessment and creating an SMS development plan. Lazaro’s support of FTA’s SMS material development, SMS training, and SMS pilot initiatives provided the extensive background, experience, and expertise required to perform these tasks.
Safety Culture
Experience in providing positive safety culture consulting and training for managerial, supervisory, and frontline employees. This consulting and training help transit agencies create and maintain a positive safety culture that supports employee safety reporting and SMS implementation.
Safety Leadership
Experience in providing safety leadership consulting and training for transit agency or contractor operations, maintenance, and safety staff that focuses on skills required for effective safety risk management and safety performance monitoring activities. Lazaro is recognized nationally as a safety management consultant and trainer.
Safety and Security Reviews
Experience in conducting bus agency safety and security reviews that culminate in a report that identifies strengths and gaps and provides recommended steps for improvement. Lazaro has conducted hundreds of safety and security reviews for clients that include FTA, CTAA, State DOTs, and individual transit agencies.
Agency Safety Plans
Developed strategies to assist transit agencies in creating Agency Safety Plans that are compliant with 49 CFR Part 673 (PTASP Rule). Lazaro’s qualifications include his four years of experience supporting FTA’s development of Agency Safety Plan guidance materials and training programs.
Safety Management Systems
Developed strategies to assist transit agencies or contractors in performing an SMS readiness assessment and creating an SMS development plan. Lazaro’s support of FTA’s SMS material development, SMS training, and SMS pilot initiatives provided the extensive background, experience, and expertise required to perform these tasks.
Safety Culture
Experience in providing positive safety culture consulting and training for managerial, supervisory, and frontline employees. This consulting and training help transit agencies create and maintain a positive safety culture that supports employee safety reporting and SMS implementation.
Safety Leadership
Experience in providing safety leadership consulting and training for transit agency or contractor operations, maintenance, and safety staff that focuses on skills required for effective safety risk management and safety performance monitoring activities. Lazaro is recognized nationally as a safety management consultant and trainer.
Safety and Security Reviews
Experience in conducting bus agency safety and security reviews that culminate in a report that identifies strengths and gaps and provides recommended steps for improvement. Lazaro has conducted hundreds of safety and security reviews for clients that include FTA, CTAA, State DOTs, and individual transit agencies.